Water-Soluble Vitamins Definition and Source List

Water-Soluble Vitamins: Definition and Source List

Water-soluble vitamins are essential nutrients that our body needs in small amounts to function properly. Unlike fat-soluble vitamins, water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water and are not stored in our bodies, which means we need to consume them regularly in our diet. The most common water-soluble vitamins are Vitamin C and B vitamins (B1, B2, B3,…

Types of Plastic Can Be Recycled

Recycled Plastic : These 7 Types of Plastics

What Is Recycling? With the increase of different kinds of pollution like air, water, or noise pollution, it is important to implement whatever measures we can to control the hazards to the environment. Recycling is one of the measures that help in saving the natural world. When we collect and process the waste and create…

Causes of Water Pollution

Water Pollution: Root Causes of It’s Effects

Water pollution is a pressing problem that is affecting the lives of millions of people on earth. Not just human beings, it is harmful to all living beings including plants and animals as well. It refers to the pollution of water bodies like lakes, rivers, oceans, and underground water with harmful substances. As for living…