Causes and Symptoms of Waterborne Illness


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Waterborne diseases stem from contaminated water, affecting millions globally. Clean water access is vital to prevent these illnesses, crucial in areas with poor sanitation.

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Understanding Water Borne Diseases


Cholera: Vibrio cholerae, severe dehydration. Dysentery: Bacteria/viruses, bloody diarrhea, pain, fever. Typhoid: Salmonella Typhi, high fever, weakness, GI symptoms. Hepatitis A: Viral liver infection, water transmission, jaundice, flu-like symptoms.

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Understanding Water Borne Diseases


Contaminated water, poor hygiene, and waterborne vectors fuel waterborne diseases in areas lacking sanitation. Handwashing and waste disposal play crucial roles in prevention

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How Water Borne Diseases Spread


Promote clean water access, sanitation, and targeted vaccinations for healthier communities, fostering infrastructure, hygiene, and disease prevention.

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Prevention Strategies


Combat global waterborne diseases through international collaboration, infrastructure investment, sustainable practices, and individual efforts in water conservation and hygiene.

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Global Impact and Call to Action